22 and 26 July 2010
Thank You for the gifts you gave to me.
Thank You for the gifts you gave to me.
Thank you for honoring me, for protecting me, for holding my hand while we drove. At great and terrible moments, we made a great team. The safety and security I felt allowed me to admit, learn and know how very scared and vulnerable I am. I am no longer, and will never again be, that woman who Acts As If behind fortress walls. I go forward, unprotected, accepting my vulnerability for the real condition that it is.
Thank you for calling me last night, drunk. And for coming over, drunk. And for leaving, drunk. I got to stare at your magnificent face. I got to witness, again, your choice to hold alcohol more dearly and closely than everything and anything you ever loved or may have loved. I got to sit, again, beside your crying soul. I got to renew my lonely hope that you will one day chose life over alcohol and gain for yourself the magnificent view of you that is now mine alone.
Thank you for enduring my faults better and more than any other man.
Thank you for the greatest sensual connection I have known. I don’t expect to ever experience anything close to the intimacy we shared, the physical communication. It feels like we only scratched the surface. It was enough, and will never be enough. The day after Thanksgiving will always be a sacred holiday of happiness for me.
Thank you for healing the hole in my soul left by Richard. It took me twenty five years and a couple of attempts, but with you he left my heard and remains only in my mind as a series of events in time…a matter of fact, memory and history only. With you, I trusted again and survived. Given the opportunity, I’d still place my life, heart, soul and body in your hands or behind your shield in a heartbeat.
For a moment, I damn you for taking your gifts away. In this next moment, I forgive you for not loving me as I love you and for going away. It is enough, and never enough, that I fully loved again. I do regret not having time to move forward with you and your gifts. I do know that this one regret—something so rare for me that it may well be unique—is mine to bear and release alone.
Cherish yourself. If you ever find yourself in another moment when you are unsure or unable to cherish yourself, find me and I will remind you how wonderful you are. It will be my pleasure to gift you with your own beautiful reflection.
Today, I hope you will accept this letter as my gift to you. People tell me I write well. Words are my passion, as are you. Perhaps someday you’ll forgive both ;-)
May God grant us both the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.
As ever and always,
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