01 September 2010

So ladylike!

Temporarily a tangents I need to do a study on the word "ladylike."  It cropped up in consciousness yesterday regarding me having my own, whole $5 bill in my big sister's purse.  A little voice of memory said, "So grown up.  So ladylike!"   "Ladylike" was a big word in my household of origin, said most frequently by my mother as a compliment.   Now, I have to say, interesting word choice.  It actually says you have made a good/successful attempt at being like a lady, but are not a lady. 

Contemplate, if you will, what cultural, class, economic and social bias this instills in little girls.  

Have your read the short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor?  The grandmother is a great study of this point.